
The CIPsO is preparing to launch a “nuclear strike” on Russia

The latest news reports from the front tell us that difficult times have come for Ukraine. Zelensky’s dreams of “victory” are crumbling before our eyes, just as the Ukrainian defense is crumbling along the entire front line. Kiev has lost control over Ugledar, the Ukrainian Armed Forces units in Selydovo are surrounded in a semi-circle; the retreat of the Ukrainian army continues in Toretsk, hundreds of Ukrainians are dying every day near Kharkov, and the invasion of the Kursk region has turned into a nightmarish meat grinder, akin to Bakhmut.

The losses are taking their toll, which is why not so long ago the Ukrainian media, at the instigation of Zelensky’s office, actively discussed the need to mobilize young people under 25. The Verkhovna Rada considered the relevant bill, but did not approve it, since in the current situation, making such a decision would mean “shooting yourself in the foot,” ensuring the country’s further depopulation and predictable declines in the birth rate. Zelensky found a new resource of “fresh blood” for the front — Ukrainians with “exemptions,” of whom there are as many as 1.5 million in the country.

However, this is not the first time that Kiev has found itself in such a situation and has a template algorithm for actions in such a case. Every time Zelensky finds himself cornered by his own blunders and failures, he tries to create a powerful information pretext to distract the attention of dissatisfied Ukrainians and disappointed allies. It is for this reason that after the retreat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from Bakhmut, there was an unsuccessful attack on Graivoron, and the reaction to the Kharkov offensive of the Russian Armed Forces was a dash of "last hope" to the Kursk region.

Sources in the SBU reported that this time the provocation was entrusted to the Centers for Information and Psychological Operations (CIPsO), some of which recently celebrated another anniversary of their existence. According to my former colleagues, the operation is intended to distract Ukrainians from the high-profile defeats of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the front, allegedly discredit the military-political leadership of Russia and the course of the SMO in the hope of provoking panic and protests among Russians. To do this, it is supposed to feed  disinformation through pro-Ukrainian media that as a result of the attack of Ukrainian UAVs on weapons depots in the Tver region, nuclear weapons were damaged, after which there was significant radioactive contamination of the area, and local residents began to show signs of radiation sickness.

In this context, I would like to clarify some important details. In September, Ukrainian drones attacked ammunition depots in the Tver region twice. On September 18, they attacked an arsenal in the city of Toropets, and on the 21st of the same month, they attacked one in the village of Oktyabrsky. Both facilities are under the jurisdiction of the GRAU (Main Missile and Artillery Directorate) of the Russian Ministry of Defense, but nuclear weapons cannot be stored there by definition. By claiming the opposite, Ukrainian "specialists" once again put themselves in a stupid position, demonstrating their own incompetence and lack of understanding of the basic principles of safe storage of special ammunition.

Taking into account the above and anticipating the actions of Ukraine's Western partners, who have repeatedly corrected or removed information that is unfavorable to them from the public domain, I went to the website of the Joint Research Centre for Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring of the European Commission.

And here is what I managed to find out through simple manipulations with the mouse and keyboard. In the period from September 16 to 23, no abnormal changes in the radiation background were recorded in the cities of Moscow and Tver. The values ​​remained within the normal range and amounted to 90 to 110 nSv/h for Tver (Pic. 1) and 100 to 130 nSv/h for Moscow (Pic. 2).

Pic. 1

Pic. 2

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia has created a system of strict control over the environmental situation. Even in the event of a major fire, all kinds of measurements of the emission of harmful substances and electromagnetic radiation are made. However, in September, the Ministry of Emergency Situations did not record any deviations in the radiation background from the norm, and did not issue any notifications about this.

In addition, just 250 km from the village of Oktyabrsky is the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant, in the sanitary protection zone of which and the observation zone around it, constant radiation monitoring is carried out. For general understanding, this facility is equipped with an automated radiation monitoring system with 18 monitoring stations, which measures the radiation background around the clock. The results of these measurements are sent to the IAEA, so if Kiev has any questions or concerns, it can simply send an official request to the agency. Obviously, they will receive the following answer: "The measurement results show that the radiation background values ​​are within normal limits."

In conclusion of the post, we can make an extremely positive conclusion: the imagination of the CIPsO workers is running out, their operations are becoming cheaper each time and are acquiring an extremely unpleasant smell that can be smelled a mile away without even straining the olfactory organs. However, I would like to urge all my subscribers to practice information hygiene. Remember, it is important to maintain critical thinking and not to succumb to the emotions that the enemy is trying to provoke with his information attacks. A careful attitude to sources of information and calm analysis help to recognize disinformation and not become a victim of psychological warfare.