Perpetrators of sabotage at Nord Stream. What are the SBU and the Main Intelligence Directorate hiding at the Goloseevsky Timber Industry Enterprise?
10 June, 2024
Special service
A relationship was established between R. Chervinsky, S. Kuznetsov and O. Varava, namely their affiliation with the SBU, marked with “Goloseevsky Lespromkhoz” (Goloseevsky Timber Industry Enterprise).

As I wrote earlier, in the process of collecting information, a relationship was established between R. Chervinsky, S. Kuznetsov and O. Varava, namely their affiliation with the SBU, marked with “Goloseevsky Lespromkhoz” (Goloseevsky Timber Industry Enterprise). In addition, thanks to this mark, my specialists were able to uncover almost the complete structure of the regional directorates and headquarters of the SBU, including subordinate units and personnel.

What is “Goloseevsky Timber Industry Enterprise”? Let's figure it out.

It was found that in the databases R. Chervinsky and O. Varava are recorded in "Contacts" sections on mobile devices of other subscribers’ under the tag: “Goloseevsky Timber Industry Enterprise”, in turn S. Kuznetsov is recorded under the tag: “military unit A 0657". It is worth noting that a number of servicemen of the specified military unit are also recorded under the tag “Goloseevsky Timber Industry Enterprise”.

As a result of searching for people using the tag “Goloseevsky Timber Industry Enterprise”, we found that about 1.5 thousand people were registered under this name, many of whom also additionally have other tags indicating their affiliation with the SBU.

Based on the information obtained as a result of OSINT, it was concluded that SBU officers use the name of the organization “Goloseevsky Lespromkhoz” as the cover name of their organization.

Now I’ll tell you how I managed to find out.

At the first stage of the work, R. Chervinsky was identified, since he was the most public person, and information about him was repeatedly published in the media.

R. Chervinsky

As a result of collecting information on the specified person from the databases, it was established that he was recorded in other contacts in the phone books of mobile devices under the tags: “Goloseevsky Lespromkhoz”, “Roman SBU”.

At the second stage, a search was carried out in databases using the tag “Goloseevsky Lespromkhoz”, as a result of which it was established that under this tag there are employees of the SBU, the main and regional departments of the SBU, as well as military units related to the SBU. For example, some employees were recorded as follows: Khomenko SBU, Khomenko Andriy Volodymyrovich “Goloseevsky Lespromkhoz”.

It has been established that about 1.5 thousand people are registered with this tag, many of whom also additionally have other names indicating their affiliation with the SBU. In particular, the tags indicate their registration addresses, where the SBU buildings are located, as well as specific SBU departments in various cities of Ukraine.

Thus, under the tag “Goloseevsky Timber Industry Enterprise” there are employees from thirteen regional departments of the SBU, the main department of the SBU and one military unit (A0657), on the territory of which the 7th military counterintelligence department is supposedly located.

At the third stage, a search was carried out for target objects in databases using the tag “Goloseevsky Timber Industry Enterprise” (Goloseevsky Lespromkhoz), as a result of which O. Varava was identified. Five more servicemen of military unit A0657 were recorded in a similar way.

During the search for information among the military personnel of military unit A0657, S. Kuznetsov was identified. Based on the data presented, it was concluded that S. Kuznetsov is also an employee of the SBU. Thus, the relationship between the three target objects and their common affiliation with the SBU was established.

Telegram account of S. Kuznetsov

In addition, as a result of searching for information in open sources, we learned that at the registration address of military unit A0657 - Odessa, Pirogovsky lane, 2, one of the units of the 7th military counterintelligence directorate (VKR) of the SBU, headed by the well-known Alexander Poklad, is also located.

Alexander Poklad

I invite readers to familiarize themselves with the biography and background information of this legendary character. PoliticalDigger wrote in some detail about the operations in which Poklad took part.

Head of the Counterintelligence Department of the Security Service of Ukraine - Deputy Head of the SBU, Major General Poklad Alexander Valentinovich was born on July 6, 1974 in Kremenchug, Poltava region.

Graduated from secondary school No. 19 (Kremenchug).

In 1996, he was sentenced to six years in prison with confiscation - Article 144 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine “Extortion of state, collective or individual property, committed under aggravating circumstances.” In 1998 he was released under an amnesty. On March 24, 2003, in the Kharkov region, he committed an administrative offense under Article 122 of the Code of Administrative Offenses “Overspeeding”. On April 10, 2003, he received a fine for an administrative offense under Article 122 of the Code of Administrative Offenses  “Overtaking”.

He graduated from Kharkov Law University. Then he served in law enforcement agencies of the Poltava region. In 1999, he founded the Oltex company, which provides rental and operation of real estate. In 2002, he resigned from the founders of the organization. In 2006, he received a lawyer's certificate, which was suspended in 2015 based on his application.

In the period from 2007 to 2019, he worked as a voluntary assistant for several deputies, moreover from the party of Yanukovych’s associates (2007-2012 R. Safiullina “Party of Regions”, 2012-2019 I. Mirny “Party of Regions”, then “ Opposition bloc"). In 2018, he presented his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences on the topic “Public control over police activities” at Zaporozhye National University.

As of August 31, 2018 – Deputy Head of 5th department - Counterintelligence of SBU. Later he headed this unit.

By Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 606/2021 dated November 30, 2021, he was appointed to the position of head of the SBU Counterintelligence department.

By Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 510/2023 dated August 23, 2023, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the SBU.

Awarded the “Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky”, 3rd degree (01/22/2016), the Order “For Courage”, 3rd degree (08/21/2017), the Order “For Courage” II degree (03/24/2020).

INN(taxpayer's ID number): 2721519330

Passport: KO 244491

Issued by: Kryukovsky RV CMU of Ukraine

Address (2019): Kiev, st. Shchekavitskaya, 21, hostel.

Car: “Toyota Camry” (GRZ 95195SK, 2002, 3 years, body number JTDBF30KX00087738)

Phone: 380675309900

Notice how deeply this SBU officer was undercover. Criminal cases, business, work in the Verkhovna Rada. I think there is no point in explaining what Poklad did in the camp of the Party of Regions and the Opposition Bloc during the presidency of Petro Poroshenko. It is not for nothing that at this time he was awarded two high state awards.

Returning directly to the tag “Goloseevsky Timber Industry Enterprise”, it is worth noting that it was not chosen by chance. I assume that the founders of this name were SBU agents involved in the protection of government dachas (summer vacation homes) located in the villages of Khotov, Kozin, Koncha-Zaspa on the territory of the Goloseevsky National Park of the Kiуv region and in the village of Pushcha-Voditsa.

Journalists of various Ukrainian media have repeatedly written about these villages and their elite residents. In addition to the odious Zelensky, yermak and Venediktova, businessmen who are close to the authorities live in government villages, as well as former and current heads of special services (Kondratyuk, Matios, Bakanov).

Location of I. Bakanov’s real estate

Real estate of A.Matios

Cottage village "Konyk", where the property of Prosecutor General I. Venediktova and V. Kondratyuk is located

In this context, it is worth recalling the story that in 2021-2022 the family of the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate Budanov lived together with the family of the ex-deputy deputy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Gogilashvili in a house owned by the famous cashers and money laundering specialists in Europe Strelkovsky. But, as Leonid Kanevsky said, “This is a completely different story.” We will talk about the personal connections between Strelkovsky and Budanov later.

Fragment of an investigation about K. Budanov in the Ukrainian media

Fragment of an investigation about K. Budanov in the Ukrainian media (original)

It is not surprising that the top political and military leadership lives crowded together in srtongly protected areas. This is a generally accepted practice, dictated by security requirements, which need an impressive staff of special services.

In addition, for the operational coordination of the activities of the “guards”, as well as in the event of any threats of a physical nature, it is logical to locate a military unit nearby, and not just any one, but the Special Operations Center of the SBU “Alpha” (military unit E6117), which is located in the same area.

Training site of the SBU Special Operations Center "Alpha" (military unit E6117),
located in Goloseevsky district (50°12'05.2"N 30°38'29.5"E)

It is the soldiers of this center who are entrusted with protecting the country's leadership. Is it necessary to talk about the professional qualities of the military personnel of this special unit? Naturally, they are the best of the best. It is no coincidence, according to the author of the Youtube channel “First Division”, that the personnel of the center, together with the GUR officers, took part in the landing on Snake Island in July 2022. This was not the first and clearly not the last case of interaction between the departments of Budanov and Malyuk.

Studying in detail the structure of this center, among other things, it was discovered that it includes a diver training center. I assume that it was here, on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper, that the initial selection of SBU officers and professional divers, who later became accomplices in sabotage on the Nord Stream, took place. Let me remind you that the further path of the group is described in detail in my investigation .

I just have to add that my team and I are open to dialogue and ready to share existing documents with interested parties.

The investigation continues...